photosynthetic ratio




  1. Photosynthetic Performance of Wheat Varieties with Different Grain-leaf Ratio under Limited Irrigation
  2. And it also demonstrate that suitable shading degree have direct proportion with wheat chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate and as well as has inverse ratio with light utilized rate and water consump-tion rate. They always connected water with their attitude.
  3. Both net photosynthetic rate ( Pn) and photorespiration rate ( Pr) were declined, but Pr/ Pn ratio was raised.
  4. Saplings subjected to drought got lower in maximum net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and leaf water potential, but higher in light compensation, and remained almost unchanged in root/ shoot ratio, apparent quantum yield and light saturation point.
  5. Photosynthetic Characteristics in Non-leaf Organs of Winter Wheat Cultivars Differing in Grain-leaf Ratio
  6. In gas exchange. The stomas closes, and all of the gas exchange rate, photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate decrease. The ratio of photosynthesis and water utility is increased under drought stress, since transpiration was inhibited more strongly than photosynthesis.
  7. Net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, transpiration ratio and stomatal conductance were found to show the relationship, mature leaves> older leaves> tender leaves when CO2 concentration was fixed.
  8. The results showed that under red light the dry matter accumulation, leaf area, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate, soluble sugar content and total sugar content were all maximal while the chlorophyll a/ b ratio and total nitrogen content were lowest compared with the other treatments.
  9. The present paper reviewed the dynamic changes in thylakoid membranes during photosynthetic energy conversion, the regulation of ATP/ NADPH ratio, the responses of primary reaction to changing light conditions, and the coordination between photosynthetic energy conversion and CO2 assimilation.
  10. The transportation of photosynthetic production and distribution ratio to root, stem and leaves were affected by low night temperature at different period of time, and the accumulation of sugar and starch were also affected.
  11. It is considered that heavy panicle hybrid rice provides bigger source in the same leaf area and has higher net photosynthetic rate because of its higher grain-leaf area ratio, better stomatal characteristics, and less midday depression.
  12. The reasons of net photosynthetic ratio decline were stomatal limit and non-stomatal limit resulting from osmotic stress and ionic poison under salt stress.
  13. Photosynthetic matter transportation ratio and filling rate were higher.
  14. The effective ways to improve early season indica rice cultivar were raising the percentage of high effective leaf area rate, increasing photosynthetic products amount of post-anthesis, and increasing total amount of spikelets, which increasing grain-leaf ratio to coordinate source and sink. 3.
  15. With the density increased of super high yield spring maize, the senescense of bottom leaves especially in anaphase accelerated and the photosynthetic properties and photochemical efficiency reduced, the LAD ratio after flowering reduced. All above block material accumulation and yield enhance after flowering stage.
  16. Leaf area index, photosynthetic potential showed a parabolic curve, leaf area ratio, leaf dry weight ratio and relative growth rate with advancing growth period showed a decreasing trend, specific leaf area and net assimilation rate showed a multi-peak curve. 2.
  17. Drought stress decreased the photosynthetic activities of both transgenic and wild-type plants, while the transgenic plants exhibited higher photosynthetic rate and Fv/ Fm ratio than wild-type, implying the higher photosynthetic efficiency in transgenics.
  18. Photosynthetic pigment contents of two plants in salt treatment groups were higher than in contrast, and their contents added with salt concentration increasing. But the ratio of chla and chlb increased in lower salt stress, and then decreased rapidly with stress degree aggravating.